Thursday, January 5, 2012


Since I have included sorrel in some of my recent blogs, I decided it is is time to give an explanation as to what sorrel is for all of my non Trini followers. Sorrel is the bloom of a perennial garden plant. (I have actually never seen the plant...just the blooms). Around Christmas time is when it is in season and you will find heaps of it all over the vans (pick-up trucks if you are in the USA) along the sides of the road...and when I say piles...I mean piles! Not just a bit on a table....but HUGE piles of the stuff. Total this holiday I used 19 lbs of sorrel.
Here is what it looks like....

To make sorrel (as in the drink) you acquire at least 3-4 lbs of sorrel for a good start.

(Isn't it beautiful?)
Give it a good wash...and then take the seed part don't use it....

After all the seed pods are out, chunk it all into a pot (or to save time...just put it in the pot as you go), throw in some know..till it looks right and 1 or 2 cinnamon sticks and some water. Not to much water...but just enough...about 2/3 a pot full. Or maybe 3/4....just till it's right.

Turn it on...and let it cook for a good while...until....

it's done...which means you are tired of waiting for it to be done...and you call it done anyway! No really, it should be a bit thicker than water and have a lovely red color to it. The flower part should be very soft as well.

Then, you strain the pulp and spices out, and commence the making of the drink! Depending on how thick you cook the sorrel down, you dilute it about half (maybe a bit more)....but really to taste. Throw in some good ole Trinidad brown sugar (imported from Guyana) till it's just right. Chill if you have time...or just put it over some ice and real good boi! It's best with a meal...or for a snack...or to drink when you are thirsty...or....yeah...anytime! you may ask...what do you with the left over pulp? Well...many people just throw it away. But...I decided that something must be done with I did some looking around on the net and found a recipe for sorrel jam.

So then...I had to try it. It's really take out the spices...and blend up the sorrel, add some ginger, cinnamon and ground cloves. Then add in some sugar to taste and cook down.

In texture and thickness it is very much like apple butter but in taste...well it's sorrel. And it's very good....with butter and eat plain...on hot biscuits....and any other way you like jam!

I have enjoyed muchly getting to learn new things here in Trinidad...and sorrel is one of my new favorites.


  1. Haha Adrian, I would never know that about you! I do know this one guy who take de jam and dilute it to drink! Crazy, eh? ;)

  2. hahahaa :) well desperate times call for desperate mea- diluting of sorrel jam
