Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!!!

Yep. It's that time again. A new year.


I'm not really a new years resolution kind of person. There is absolutely nothing wrong with making a resolution and then sticking to fact, it's great to do those things. a Christian, should not every day be the time to make a resolution? It should be. As a Christian, we must daily make it our goal to be close to God, to spend time in His Word, to spend more time in prayer.

What will you do this year? Will you grow as a Christian? Will you put Him most important in your life? Will you spend much time in prayer? How important will God be to you this year?

All these questions are ones that we should ask ourselves daily, not just on January 1st.

So my challenge for me...and for you if you are up to it, is to do just this: grow closer to God this year, read the Bible daily, and make God the center of my (and your) life.

Oh...and smile! It makes the world a brighter place!

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