Monday, January 17, 2011


Saturday, we joined the Singh family for an all day outing. We left early and enjoyed a beautiful 3 hour drive to the North East tip of the island. It was so beautiful driving through the mountains and then along the coast! At Toco, at the tip of the island, there is a lighthouse(which I failed to get a picture of) and a beautiful outlook area. Here are some pictures of our lovely day...

A very cool broken down bench! Wouldn't it look good with some lovely vines and flowers around it?

The little path we walked down to get to the point.

Out on the point! So very beautiful!

The rocks on the point were so neat. Most had these red/pink stripes running through them.

This is the view from where we had our picnic lunch! Lunch always tastes better with a view like that!
After lunch all the kids went exploring down the side of the cliff. It was so fun to climb down to the edge of the water. We found some very beautiful rocks and a couple of pieces of driftwood!

These are Almonds. There are two kinds that grow here. This tree also had red/orange bark! It was so pretty and unique.

We all came home sunburnt and tired but it was a very wonderful day enjoying God's beautiful creation!

1 comment:

  1. Emily, the pictures are great! I love the ones of the waves crashing on the rocks! Looks like y'all had a great time. Miss you all! Take care, love y'all!

