Friday, January 28, 2011

Garden update

It's been about a month since I posted anything about my little plot of garden. Everything is MUCH bigger now and we have even eaten some of the Pak Choi. (It's Pak Choi here...not Boc Choy). Here are the pictures!

This is what the garden looks like from the back porch. (Looking down)

Pak Choi, Lettuce and Cabbage

Cabbage in black and white...

Tomatoes...that have gotten BIG! They have been tied once and need it again!

Tomato blooms...

The cucumbers are finally climbing. There are a few baby cucumbers on there...but many have fallen off. I don't know why...and I don't like it!

Remember that row of tiny little beans that had just come up? Well...a month later they are climbing their fence....

and have gone OVER the top! It will be fun to see how tall they will get!

My newest addition...Eggplant.

This is another new's pumpkin! We have been getting slices of these huge pumpkins at market (they are yummy) and we throw the seeds out in our scrap pile. Well...a few weeks ago I found them growing! So now I have pumpkin plants too! I can't wait to see how big the pumpkins will grow!

One of our little Mandarin Oranges!

That is the one month update on the garden! I have had fun working in it. I did have help from my Nathan, Miles and Silas brothers! They put the stakes in and hung the bean fence and the cucumber fence. I'm so glad I have such helpful brothers! Silas has been a big help too! He has helped me fertilize the plants every two weeks. Tomorrow I am hoping to add a few more plants! Oh...and if you were wondering about the pepper plants...they are a sad story! They were too wet where we had Nathan and I moved them and they still are not growing! I don't think they want to get their picture taken anymore! =)

Mom has been prettying up under the lime tree. It looks really nice!

I don't know what the name of this plant is but it's one of my favorites!

And this picture has nothing to do with plants or gardens....but I thought you might enjoy seeing something we see almost every week!

God's creation is so beautiful! Have a blessed day!


  1. What a lovely garden! Your cabbages look especially nice! And I believe those green-and-reddish-leaved plants are called Elephant Ears (or Caladium...) We had them in our yard in Moshi and I always thought they were pretty, too! :)

  2. Julia, Yes I think that is right. The color is so striking! I love the contrast between the pink and the green!

  3. I like these brief looks at your life there.....I love you! -Leah

  4. Lovely posts, Emily. It's so nice just to hear about your life! I love you and am praying for you sweetie! Love, Mrs. Debbie
