Monday, April 12, 2010

Springtime beauty

I love spring! It's probably one of my most favorite seasons. It is the time that nature comes alive agian after being dormant all winter. The flowers are blooming, the birds are singing and building their nests and the weather is almost perfect! We have many flowers around our house in many different colors. We have pinks, red/purples, white, and yellow. One of my favorite flowers is lilac. They are not only beautiful, but they have a wonderful scent. I was taking pictures the other day and I took this really cool picture of the lilac before they were in full bloom. I got to thinking about them as I took the pictures and then I really got to thinking. See how there are only two small blooms that are all the way out?
They are different than the rest of the bunch of flowers. I got to thinking about how we Christians are like that. Let's say that the world is the whole bunch of tiny lilac blooms. We who are Christians are the two tiny blooms among the whole bunch. We are different, we stick out and are noticed. Then I just let this thought go a bit more...are we really that different? Does what we wear and say and do and the things we watch and listen to truly reflect us being different? We are called to be different. "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:" 1 Peter 2:9 God WANTS us to be different! No, we don't have to look like we stepped out of the 17th century but at the same time when we are at the mall do we look like everyone else who is there? Or are we dressed differently and walk differently and talk differently? I'm going to get on my soap box here for a minute. When talking about modesty, we need to remember that modesty is not only the way we dress. Yes, we (men and women) need to dress so that we have covered our bodies in a way that reflects Christ, but at the same time modesty is so much more! If we are dressed modestly but we walk and talk just like the world we are no different. We must make sure that our actions and our speech and even our thoughts are just as modest as the clothes that we wear. *Steps off box....
In conclusion, I'm going to try to make sure that I am like the two little blooms in the big bunch-different than the world. I would challenge you to do the same thing. Yes, it's hard sometimes but I am sure that it will be worth it in the end!


  1. Beautiful pictures and beautiful words! I like your analogy . . . we are to be different AND beautiful. Thanks for standing up for Christ!

  2. Great thoughts and lovely pictures, Emily! I especially like the apple blossoms! I was happy to see a new post up - glad you haven't abandoned it! You are so right about the need for us to stand out from the world in so many ways. Love you. :)

  3. Thank you Julia and Mrs. Jennifer for the sweet comments! You are both a wonderful source of encouragement and good example to me!
