Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mother's Day Memories

Today we celebrated Mother’s Day for Mom. Yes, it’s a bit late….but better late than never. (This was the first free weekend in the last several weeks!) We have taken Mom on a picnic for the last few years for Mother’s Day and taken some pictures. So this year we did the same. Being in Trinidad provides some beautiful picture settings! So we picked up a snack on the way to the chosen picnic area. We got fried beef pies and some pastries, one kind was cheese and one was raisin. We drove up to the top of San Fernando Hill, a local attraction. This is the first time that our whole family has been up there…and WOW! it is so beautiful! We had our snack and some fresh made Lime-Aid…with fresh off the tree Limes. After we ate and enjoyed a bit of a sit and rest, we headed off to take some pictures. We had a blast! The weather was lovely and we found a very cool playground to take some pictures. After we took pictures, we drove down to the seaside and watched the sun set. Then home by way of some local BBQ (It was de-lish!) and a family movie to finish off the lovely day.

As I was sitting on the Hill, I got to thinking about something. We don’t go all out for Mother’s Day (as in spending a lot of money-not that that is bad) but we had a very fun time…and most importantly Mom had a great day. And what I was thinking was this. If one looks constantly to heaven and does not put all their time and effort on things of the earth, then simple things like a picnic and a beautiful sunset are worth so much more than what money can buy. God made such a beautiful world for us to enjoy! Why spend so much time and effort chasing after things that will pass away at the end of all time? We should learn to enjoy and take pleasure in the world around us and not what money can buy. Spend time with family, take some pictures and make precious memories. You will not be sorry that you did!

“While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.”

2 Corinthians 4:18


  1. Very well put, Emily, thanks! <3

  2. Emily this was great to do this for mom and the family. May God bless each of you in the work of our Lord. We have had good comments on the things that you send and we send out to all of the Cave's family.

    Love Calvin
