Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Gardening in December

Yes, in December! It’s really weird to be planting things one week and have our Christmas the next but I’m getting used to things not being like they used to! My little garden started out like this… We had to first chop, (yes with a machete) the weeds out. Then a few weeks later when the weeds are grown back I got my plants! Dad, Nathan and I walked down one Sunday morning to the market before services and got our first little plants. They sell them in groups of 4, 6, or 8 for a dollar TT ($1USD=$6TT). So I got 4 tomatoes, 8 lettuce (which died a week later), 4 cucumbers, 4 peppers, and 6 bok choi. When buying plants the seller puts them in a bag and then you take them home! Totally different than getting them in nice little flats like in the USA! So I paid my $6TT and brought them home. That afternoon I planted them in pots….and waited till they were a bit bigger to put in the ground. Then on Friday we headed out and found a couple of nurserys that had plants and got 4 more tomatoes, 4 cabbages and some seeds…squash, beets and Bodi Beans. Bodi Beans are like green beans only about 18 inches long and have a bit of a different taste and we really like them. Then next week I planted all the plants and the squash and the beets. All the little plants loved their home…the seeds didn’t! They have not come up yet and I don’t think they will. I am going to try them again this week. I planted the beans a few days ago and after a nice rain they were up! I am so happy! Now I just need a fence for them to climb on. So that is my garden so far. I’m sure that I will be taking more pictures as they get bigger. I am so thankful that I am able to go out and garden here. It’s one of my ways of relaxing and enjoying God’s beautiful creation! I so enjoy going out in the warm sunshine and pulling weeds to my heart’s desire. I am so thankful that I can. Working is such a wonderful blessing. I am very thankful that I have a garden in December to take care of!

Blooms on our Lime tree! YAY for more limes!

Our Mandarin orange tree!

Last...is our Julie Mango tree. We are hoping that we will have some fruit off these two trees before our time here is up.

1 comment:

  1. Gardening is good for the soul, isn't it? :) We've got more space for a garden at our place in Iringa and hopefully more water. We've also got 2 mango, an orange, and 2 banana trees there. The mango and orange trees were loaded with unripened fruit, so we'll be having some fresh fruit soon after we move.
